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Leukaemia - Childhood

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Leukaemia - Adult

Articles on leukaemia in adults
Leukaemia - Treatment

Articles on leukaemia treatments

acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
- Acute lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL) is cancer of the lymph cells, a type of white blood cell. While ALL is known as the childhood form of leukaemia, 20% of the people who develop the disease are adults.
- Agranulocytosis (ay-gran-you-lo-site-oh-sis) is a condition caused by a drop in a certain type of white blood cells in the body.
acute nonlymphocytic leukemia
- Bruising is an area of discoloured skin. Bruising develops when the lining of small blood vessels is damaged, allowing blood cells to escape into the skin and tissues. This condition most often occurs after a person injures a particular part of the body.
biopsy -- detailed
- A biopsy is the removal of a sample of tissue from the body. The sample is then examined under a microscope. Biopsies are used to diagnose many medical conditions, from skin problems to cancer.
biological response modifiers
- Biological response modifiers (BRMs) are substances that help to fight infections. Many of these substances can be found naturally in small amounts in the body. BRMs are produced in the laboratory in larger amounts and then injected into the body to treat cancer. Sometimes the BRMs are combined with chemotherapy drugs. This helps to improve the effect of the chemotherapy. However, BRMs are not effective against most cancers.
blood differential
- The blood differential test measures how many different kinds of white blood cells are in the bloodstream. It tests to see if the structure of the white blood cells is normal or abnormal.
bone marrow aspiration
- Bone marrow aspiration is a procedure in which a sample of bone marrow is removed with a special needle. The sample can then be examined with a microscope to look for various diseases or conditions.
bone marrow transplant
- A chill is a sensation of cold. When chills occur at an unexpected time, they may be due to a fever-causing illness.
chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a kind of cancer that occurs in a specialised white blood cell called a lymphocyte. The cancerous change occurs in the bone marrow where all blood cells are made. CLL is slow to develop and may affect a person for many years.
chronic myelogenous leukemia
- Chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML) is a kind of cancer that occurs in a specialised white blood cell called a myelocyte. The cancerous change occurs in the bone marrow where all blood cells are made. CML develops slowly over several years.
- A FBC, also called a full blood count, is a screening test used to diagnose and manage many diseases. A FBC measures the status of important features of the blood, including the: number of red blood cells (RBCs) number of white blood cells (WBCs) number of platelets total amount of haemoglobin in the blood percentage of blood composed of cells, or haematocrit mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH) mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) mean corpuscular volume (MCV) Who is a candidate for the test?
- Ferritin is the iron storage protein found in the blood. This test measures the amount of available ferritin in the blood serum. Iron is important for red blood cell production.
immune assay
- An immune assay is a special method of testing in order to measure or detect certain substances. This sophisticated test uses the properties of the immune or infection-fighting system. It is usually used when the amount of material to be detected is very small. It is most commonly performed on a sample of blood, though other body fluids may be used.
- Haemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells. It carries oxygen from the lungs to cells throughout the body, and carries carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs. A haemoglobin test measures the level of this protein in a sample of blood.
- Itching is an irritating sensation in the skin that makes a person want to scratch.
polycythemia vera
- Leukaemia is a cancer that affects white blood cells. There are many types of leukaemia. Each one is named for the kind of white blood cell it affects. These include myelocytes, lymphocytes, plasma cells, and other types of white blood cells.
radiation therapy
- Radiation can be used to treat many forms of cancer. It is considered a mainstay of cancer treatment. It can be delivered in two ways. One method uses a beam outside the body, and is called external beam radiation. The other method is to implant radioactive material inside the body. This is known as brachytherapy. Radiation affects molecules, proteins, and DNA in cells. The cells become damaged and are then unable to function and divide normally.
spleen removal
- Spleen removal, or splenectomy, involves surgically removing the spleen from the body. The spleen produces red blood cells and white blood cells in the body. It also stores blood. The spleen also filters out bacteria and old red blood cells from the blood. It is located to the upper left side of the abdomen, just in front of the stomach.
swollen glands
total protein
WBC count
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