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Haemorhoids - What are haemorrhoids?
What Are Haemorrhoids?

General information on haemorrhoids
Haemorhoids - Treatment

Articles on ways of treating haemorrhoids

anal discomfort
- The anus is the lowest part of the digestive tract, the opening from which stool is passed out of the body. Anal discomfort includes pain, itching, or burning.
- Haemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in and around the anus and lower rectum. They are classified as internal, meaning inside the anus, or external, meaning outside the anus. They may be present for years without causing any problems. Straining to have a bowel movement may cause swelling and pressure, leading to a haemorrhoid flare-up. Haemorrhoids are very common in men and women. They most often begin between the ages of 20 and 50.
blood in the stools
- Blood in the stools means that blood from somewhere in the body is being excreted in the stool, or bowel movement.
haemorrhoid surgery
- This procedure is done to remove or reduce the size of haemorrhoids using one of these techniques: rubber band ligation sclerotherapy cryosurgery laser surgery a surgical procedure known as haemorrhoidectomyWho is a candidate for the procedure?
- The sigmoid is the last small stretch of colon, or large intestine, before the rectum. A sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that is done to examine this part of the bowel as well as the rectum and the anus.
faecal impaction
- Faecal impaction is a severe form of constipation in which a large mass of stool cannot be passed.
- An proctoscopy is a procedure in which a small tube is inserted into the anus to allow a doctor to see the details of the anus and anal canal.
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