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Physical disabilities - Paraplegia/Quadraplegia

Relevant issues on paraplegia/quadraplegia
Physical disabilities - Other

Information on other physical disabilities

advanced care directives
- Advanced Care Directives provide directions regarding future medical care. The directives are necessary in case an individual becomes unable to make decisions or communicate decisions about his or her care due to severe or terminal illness, injury, loss of consciousness or other medical conditions.
autonomic hyperreflexia
difficulty swallowing
- Difficult swallowing describes any type of trouble a person may have when trying to swallow food or liquids.
acetylcholine receptor antibody
- This test determines the amount of edrophonium in a person's body. Edrophonium is a molecule that stimulates muscle contractions.
Huntington disease
sports for adults with disabilities
- A sport is a physical activity people do for pleasure. Generally sport involves competition. Participation in various sports benefits adults because activity: allows for fun builds a positive self-image connects people through competition helps people to meet other people of like interests and situations improves health, discipline, and confidence A disability is the lack of ability to function normally -- physically or mentally. Sports help to promote a focus on the adult's ability, not on his or her disability.
mobility impairment
- Mobility impairment can include any or all of the following: inability to move about as easily as others limited movement of arms or legs decrease in strength or control of the muscles and bones abnormal or impaired co-ordination medical condition requiring bed rest What is the information for this topic?
senile cerebral amyloid angiopathy
speech computers
Shy-Drager syndrome
transient ischemic attack
speech impairment
speech therapy
- Speech therapy is a service provided by a health care professional that helps a person improve his or her ability to communicate. This includes both speech, which is how sounds are made, and language, which involves understanding and choosing the correct words to use.
spinal cord injury
- Spinal cord trauma is an injury to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the part of the nervous system that runs down from the brain through a canal in the spine. It sends signals between the nerves in the body, called the peripheral nerves, and the brain. Signals from sensations like pain or position are sent up the peripheral nerves from organs like skin and muscle. Commands to move the body are known as motor impulses. These impulses begin in the brain and travel down the spinal cord. They then travel through the peripheral nerves into tissues such as muscle to produce movement. When signals travel to or from the brain, they cross over to the other side. The left side of the brain receives sensation from, and sends motor signals to, the right side of the body and vice versa.
sports for children with disabilities
- A sport is a physical activity engaged in for pleasure, which generally involves competition. Sports benefit children and their families because sports provide not only fun but also: helps build a child's self-image connects people through competition helps children to meet other children of like interests and situations helps children with disabilities by teaching them independence as well as teamwork helps improve health, discipline, and confidenceSports help children with disabilities to be part of society. Sports help to promote a focus on the child's ability versus disability. A disability is the lack of ability or a restriction in ability to function normally -- physically or mentally.
Useful Links
Headway Victoria - Acquired Brain Injury Association Inc - Support: 1800 817 964
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