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- Albinism refers to a group of disorders that are present at birth. It is characterised by a decrease or lack of colour in the skin, hair, and eyes.
acanthosis nigricans
- Acanthosis nigricans is a disease that causes dark, thick areas on the skin. The areas affected are spread out and the skin is velvety. It is most common in the armpits and other body folds. The disease may be inherited or caused by problems with how the body uses insulin, obesity, some drugs, and cancer.
- Acne is a common skin condition in which the skin pores become clogged. This causes pimples and inflamed infected abscesses, or collections of pus. Acne may occur on a person's face, neck, chest, and back. Eighty percent (80%) of all teenagers get acne.
athlete's foot
- Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that affects the top layer of the skin.
- Gangrene is the death of living cells or tissues of the body.
Kaposi's sarcoma
- Kaposi's sarcoma is a specific type of cancer that involves the tissues of the skin or the coverings of blood vessels.
body odour
- Body odour is the term given to any smell associated with a person's body.
- Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and the layer under the skin.
- Keloids are patches of excessive scar tissue that may form following a skin injury.
cherry angioma
- A cherry angioma is a tuft of blood vessels that form a bright red bump on the skin.
- Chicken pox is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). It is characterised by a blistery rash.
creeping eruption
- Creeping eruption is a hookworm infection of the skin. The skin is invaded by the larvae of the dog or cat hookworm. This causes a thread-like line of inflammation that moves in a "creeping" form over time.
biopsy -- detailed
- A biopsy is the removal of a sample of tissue from the body. The sample is then examined under a microscope. Biopsies are used to diagnose many medical conditions, from skin problems to cancer.
Giant Naevus
- A giant naevus is a large, pigmented, mole-like birthmark. It covers an extremely large area of the body, often in the area covered by a pair of bathing trunks. It is often covered with hair.
facial pain
skin lesions
- Impetigo(im-pa-tay-go) is a bacterial infection on the surface of the skin, characterised by honey coloured crusts and mild sores.
- Measles is a viral infection of the respiratory tract and the skin. It is one of the most contagious diseases known. Measles was once very common, but a vaccine has made it much more rare.
laser surgery
- A laser is a special high-energy beam of light that can be used to treat certain conditions.
sebaceous cysts
Raynaud's phenomenon
excessive sweating
- Petechiae are pinpoint-sized haemorrhages of small capillaries in the skin or mucous membranes.
facial swelling
port wine stain
scarlet fever
seborrheic keratosis
staphylococcal scalded skin
tinea versicolor
Sunscreen: Your Shortcut To Preventing Skin Cancer
Sunscreen: Your Shortcut To Preventing Skin Cancer - Exposure to the sun's rays is the number one cause of ageing and damaged skin. Wearing sunscreens is your best protection against skin cancer. - Merlene Michael - More than 90 percent...
systemic lupus erythematosus
- Scabies is a skin infestation caused by the scabies mite. It often causes intense itchiness.
varicose vein surgery
erythema multiforme
- Erythema multiforme is a skin reaction that results in red target-shaped patches on the skin.
- Frostbite occurs when exposure to cold temperatures damages the skin or other tissues.
- A furuncle is a skin infection involving the entire hair follicle and the underlying skin tissue.
lichen simplex chronicus
- Lichen simplex chronicus is a skin disorder characterised by an itching inflammation of the top layer of the skin.
livedo reticularis
- Livedo reticularis is a disorder in which blood vessels are constricted, or narrowed. It results in mottled discolouring on large areas of the legs or arms.
liver spots
- Liver spots are flat brown patches of skin that occur in irregular shapes. They appear most commonly on the arms, face, and back of the hands.
molluscum contagiosum
- Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that causes smooth, waxy bumps.
- A sunburn is inflammation of the skin as a result of overexposure to the sun. The sun's ultraviolet rays destroy the outer layer of skin cells and the tiny blood vessels underneath and cause a first-degree burn.
tetanus immunization
skin tags
- A skin tag is a small, brown or flesh-coloured flap of skin that is usually narrow at its base. Skin tags may appear around the neck, under the arms, under the breasts, in groin creases and on the inside of the upper thigh area.
solar keratosis
- Solar keratosis is a common premalignant skin lesion seen on areas of the body that have been exposed to sun. The lesions are not true deep or invasive skin cancers, but the area of skin is no longer normal. Premalignant means that the lesions have the potential to become skin cancer.
spider angioma
- A spider angioma is a collection of tiny dilated blood vessels. The vessels usually radiate out from a central point and resemble the legs of a spider.
stasis dermatitis
- Stasis dermatitis is a red itchy rash on the lower legs. It occurs after long-term swelling of the lower leg, usually from poor blood circulation. It may be dry and scaly or weeping and crusted. Often the skin is a brownish colour.
- Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterised by the development of completely white patches of skin.
lichen planus
- Lichen planus is a skin disease that causes inflammation, itching, and skin lesions.
oily skin and oily hair
- Some people have more active oil glands in the skin and notice that their skin and hair take on an oily sheen over the course of just a few minutes to hours after washing.
zinc in the diet
- Zinc is an essential trace mineral. It has many functions in the body. Also, it is a component of several enzymes.
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