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saladFeeling Tired? It’s time to examine your diet and lifestyle

Do you lack energy? Did you know that a poor diet is a major cause of tiredness? Diets high in fat, refined sugar and caffeine are the main offenders.

A cup of coffee and a biscuit can give you a lift, but it won’t be long before you feel that inevitable letdown.

The National Heart Foundation of Australia recommends that we choose carbohydrate foods that are mainly non-refined and rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. These include foods like wholegrain rice, pasta, bread, breakfast cereals, fruit, vegetables and legumes.

So make an effort to replace any high fat, highly refined and processed foods in your diet.

Boost your diet by including healthy raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains and deep-sea water fish like salmon and mackerel. These fish are good choices because of their energy-yielding omega 3 fats.

Exercise can also boost your energy. Physical activity improves fitness, health and wellbeing, reduces stress and aids weight loss. It also helps you sleep.

Fatigue is often caused by a number of factors such as medical conditions, unhealthy lifestyle choices, workplace problems and stress.

Remember: Always see your doctor if you are suffering from lingering tiredness.

Source: The National Heart Foundation of Australia http://www.heartfoundation.com.au/

The Better Health Channel http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcsite.nsf?open

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