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asthmaTake control – prevent asthma with an action plan

Do you suffer from asthma? Managing asthma can be complicated, so doctors are now providing asthma sufferers with an action plan to help treat and prevent asthma attacks.

Action plans include clear instructions to help you manage your asthma:

  • Avoid asthma triggers. The action plan will list your asthma triggers such as pollen, dust mites, mold, exercise, smoke and respiratory infections.
  • Recognise early warning signs and symptoms. The plan will list warning signs such as a drop in your peak flow rate, coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath or chest tightness that wakes you at night or occurs after laughing or minimal exertion.
  • Adjust medication. To prevent a severe attack, the plan will indicate when to increase your dosage of inhaled corticosteroids or take additional medications, such as short-acting bronchodilators or oral corticosteroids. The plan will tell you how often to take these medications, how much to take and for how long.
  • Seek emergency help. Some severe asthma attacks require medical help. Your action plan will include telephone numbers for your doctor’s office, after-hours clinic, and ambulance service.

Once your doctor has finalised your action plan keep it in a safe place. Share the plan with a family member or friend who can help you during an emergency. Keep a copy in your wallet or purse in case an asthma attack occurs away from home.

Remember: Following your plan is the best way to improve your lung function and avoid hospital.

Source: The Asthma Foundation

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