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parentingNew parenting website takes its first steps

A new Australian website to help parents and carers raise young children has been officially launched in Sydney by The Minister for Families and Community Services, Mal Brough.

The raising children network website, raisingchildren.net.au, provides expert information on raising children from newborn to eight years old in a user-friendly format.

The website has been developed by the Raising Children Network (RCN), a consortium made up of three early childhood organisations: The Smart Population Foundation (SPF), the Victorian Parenting Centre (VPC), and the Centre for Community Child Health (CCCH) at The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne. RCN is also one of HealthInsite's newest information partner sites.

More information about the new website is available in the media release about the launch.

Remember: The website aims to provide reliable parenting information accessible 24 hours a day. It does not replace a professional consultation with your GP.

Source: © Copyright, HealthInsite, 18 May, 2006 http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/content/internal/page.cfm?ObjID=00077C9B-085E-146C-9BCD83978717006D


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