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coffeeCoffee may reduce diabetes risk

We are all aware of the negative effects of drinking too much caffeine, but surprisingly, a new study has found that drinking a lot of coffee may help prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The study examined 28,812 healthy post-menopausal women over 11 years. They were asked how often they drank regular and decaffeinated coffee over the previous year.

In the following 11 years, 1418 women were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, leading researchers to conclude that coffee offers protection against type 2 diabetes. Decaffeinated coffee was found to offer the greatest protection.

Women who drank more than 6 cups of any type of coffee per day were 22% lower risk of diabetes than those who drank none. Women who drank more than 6 cups of decaffeinated coffee daily had a 33% reduced risk.

Type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity, and develops over time as the body loses its ability to use insulin to regulate blood sugar.

More research is needed to see whether coffee might play a role in diabetes prevention.

Remember: Regular exercise, a good diet, and regular checkups with your GP are the best way to prevent diabetes.

Source: Arch Intern Med 2006; http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/full/166/12/1311


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