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Tetanus VaccinationBenefit of tetanus vaccination two fold

Breakthrough research has revealed that regular tetanus shots will reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS).

The study found that people with a history of having regular tetanus shots are 33% less likely to develop MS than others.

This finding was based on data taken from 9 studies published between 1966 and 2005 that looked at the association between tetanus vaccination and MS risk. The results were supported by the findings of two recent studies.

It is unclear exactly how the tetanus shot protects against MS, but researchers believe that the vaccination may cause a shift in the response of the cells that fight viruses.

Researchers are excited about this positive result, but further research is needed to assess the timing and dose necessary to generate this effect.

Remember: Tetanus is rare in Australia, but still occurs in adults who have never been immunised or who have not had their booster immunisation.

Source: Journal of Neurology,2006; 67:212-215. http://www.neurology.org/cgi/content/abstract/67/2/212


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