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Gum disease can effect more than your mouthGum disease can effect more than your mouth

Recent worldwide studies have found an increasing number of links between gum disease and overall bodily health.

These studies have linked gum disease to increased diabetes risk and spontaneous premature labor. In particular, the research has highlighted a direct link between cardiovascular disease and the bacteria that cause gum disease.

Gum disease is the most common chronic infection in humans, and symptoms include bleeding, swollen or receding gums, and bad breath. In severe cases, the teeth become loose and may eventually fall out.

In an Australian study, 67 adults with gum disease were examined and treated. The researchers found that treating the gum disease led to a decrease in the risk factors associated with heart attacks and strokes.

Remember: Dental disease impacts on your general health and wellbeing. Gum disease is common, preventable and treatable.

Source: Journal of Dental Research 85(1):74-78, 2006.

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