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genes heart attackBreakthrough study reveals gene link to early heart attack

New research has found a link between two gene variants and an increased risk of early heart attack.

The study analysed gene variations in over 2,000 patients who had suffered a heart attack. Their average age was under 60 years.

A key finding of the study was that variants of the VAMP 8 and HNRPUL1 genes were associated with early heart attacks. The increase risks associated with these genes were similar to conventional risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol levels.

The research also showed that a person with either of the two gene variants has twice the risk of early heart attack compared to someone with neither.

Scientists are now eager to screen the population for people with theses gene variants. This knowledge could lead to new potential drug targets to treat cardiovascular disease.

Remember: You need to tackle all the risk factors to improve the chances of preventing a heart attack. Make an appointment to discuss these with your GP.

Source: The University of San Francisco, news release 11 May 2006 http://pub.ucsf.edu/newsservices/releases/200605112/

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