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cancer of the liver
- Cancer of the liver occurs when cells in the liver undergo changes that make the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. This is called primary liver cancer. Cancer from other places in the body can also spread to the liver. Cancer that has spread to the liver is called liver metastasis.
colorectal cancer
- Colo-rectal cancer affects the lining of the large intestine and rectum.
- Adenocarcinoma is the name of a broad category of cancers. This type of cancer comes from cells that line organs such as the bowel, lung, and breast.
- This test measures the amount of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is produced by the breakdown of haemoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein in red blood cells. Bilirubin is processed in the liver. If liver cells are damaged, it can escape into the bloodstream.
blood in the stools
- Blood in the stools means that blood from somewhere in the body is being excreted in the stool, or bowel movement.
radiation enteritis
- Radiation enteritis is a complication of radiation therapy to the abdomen or pelvis. Radiation therapy is sometimes used to treat certain diseases, especially cancers. In addition to killing cancer deep in the body, it damages the healthy tissue around it, like the bowels. The damage may occur at the time of treatment or take many years to develop.
adenocarcinoma of the small intestine
- Adenocarcinoma of the small intestine is a form of cancer that occurs in the part of the intestine that begins at the stomach. It is a rare form of cancer. This type of cancer makes up only a very small proportion of cancers in the digestive system.
- The ileum is the last part of the small intestine, or small bowel, which connects to the large bowel. Treatment for some bowel diseases requires interruption or removal of part or all of the bowel. If this is done, a new way for stool to leave the body must be created. When a surgeon creates an artificial opening in the bowel for stool to pass through, this is called an ostomy. If the opening is created in the ileum, the procedure is called an ileostomy.
- A colostomy creates a connection between the bowel and the outside of the body. The contents of the bowel are allowed to drain into a bag. A colostomy may be temporary or permanent.
- The sigmoid is the last small stretch of colon, or large intestine, before the rectum. A sigmoidoscopy is a procedure that is done to examine this part of the bowel as well as the rectum and the anus.
cancer prevention diet
- A healthy diet may help prevent some cancers. The ideal cancer prevention diet is low in fat and high in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Staying physically active and limiting alcohol are also factors to consider. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Australia. One third of all cancer deaths in Australia may be related directly to how people eat. Eating is something that people can control. Cancer accounts for 28% of deaths in men and 24% in women.
- Constipation is a condition in which a person's bowel movements become uncomfortable or less frequent than usual. Acute constipation begins suddenly and noticeably. Chronic constipation may begin slowly and last for months or years.
- In this procedure, a flexible fibre optic instrument called a colonoscope is inserted into the large intestine, or colon. The colonoscope permits the doctor to view the details of the inner surface of the colon. This helps detect any abnormal tissues or growths. The doctor can also sample or remove abnormal growths through the colonoscope.
fruits and vegetables
fruits and vegetables - What food source is the nutrient found in? - Fruits and vegetables are good sources of many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other plant chemicals. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables has many advantages. -...
colostomy care
oesophageal cancer
salad and nutrients
- From a dietary standpoint, salads come in many forms. Just because it is called a salad does not mean that it is healthy and nutritious. It is possible to create a healthy meal from a salad bar. But it is also easy to make unhealthy choices and select many items high in kilojoules and fat.
stomach cancer
- Hyperalimentation is a procedure in which nutrients and vitamins are given to a person in liquid form through a vein. It is only given to someone who cannot get nutrients from food.
tumour markers
- Tumour markers are chemical substances that are produced by some cancers. Most of these substances can be found in the bloodstream in small amounts even when cancer is not present. When cancers produce these substances, they are usually produced in very large amounts. The amount of the substances may increase far above a normal level as the disease worsens.
weight loss
- Weight loss is due to a person burning more kilojoules, or energy, than he or she takes in.
- An proctoscopy is a procedure in which a small tube is inserted into the anus to allow a doctor to see the details of the anus and anal canal.
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