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Diabetes - IDDM

Articles on Insulin dependent diabetes
Diabetes - NIDDM

Articles on non-insulin dependent diabetes

- A cataract is a spot on the eye that blocks light, or a blemish within the lens of the eye. This creates a hazy, cloudy, or frosty appearance. Cataracts interfere with vision.
- Gangrene is the death of living cells or tissues of the body.
diabetes and infections
- A person with diabetes mellitus is at higher risk for infections than other people.
diabetic ketoacidosis
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus (DM), or diabetes. It may occur in some people when their diabetes is not well controlled.
diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic neuropathy is an injury to the peripheral nervous system caused by underlying diabetes mellitus.
drug-induced hypoglycemia
- Hypoglycaemia, or low levels of the blood sugar called glucose, can sometimes be caused by medications.
blood glucose tests
- Blood glucose, or blood sugar, is the amount of glucose circulating in the blood. Glucose is another name for sugar and is an important energy source for the body. The body forms glucose when it breaks down the foods that are eaten. For example, bread or cereal is not in a form of energy that the body can use. The body converts these foods into a useable form, glucose.
- Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and the layer under the skin.
peripheral neuropathy
- This is a condition of peripheral nerves in which there is damage to and a decrease in the function of the affected nerves. Damage to the nerves may result in decreased sensation, decreased ability to move, or numbness, or both. There may also be positive symptoms such as pins and needles, tingling or burning.
body mass index
- Body mass index (BMI) is a standard used to judge body fatness. It is determined by dividing an individual's weight (in kilograms) by an individual's height (in metres) squared.
- Carbohydrates are compounds composed of sugars. They come from the starchy part of plant foods. They easily covert to sugar in the body. For this reason, carbohydrates are considered "fast fuel."
kidney transplant
- Kidney transplantation involves placing a healthy donor kidney into a person whose own kidneys have stopped working. The donor kidney can either come from someone who has died or from a living donor.
pancreas transplant
- In pancreas transplantation, a healthy pancreas is removed from a organ donor who is brain dead and implanted into a person whose own pancreas has failed. The recipient's failed pancreas is not removed. Pancreas transplantation is used to treat diabetes. In just about all cases, the diabetes is the form that affects children and young adults, known as type I diabetes. It is a long-term condition in which the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin.
diabetes and exercise
- Diabetes mellitus, or DM, more commonly known as diabetes, is a condition that affects the body's ability to control the level of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main form of sugar used by the body. When a person has diabetes, his or her body does not make enough insulin to meet its needs. Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. One of its primary functions is to help the body control the level of glucose in the blood.
- Malaise is a general feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness.
- Fatigue is a condition in which a person becomes weary or exhausted. It is usually caused by overdoing some physical activity. It can also occur after a long period of mental stress. In some cases, it may occur for no clear reason.
diet for diabetes
- Diabetes mellitus, often called diabetes, is a condition that affects the body's ability to regulate the level of glucose in the blood. Glucose is the main form of sugar in the body.
blood glucose monitoring
- This blood test measures the level of glucose, or sugar, in the blood.
glucose tolerance test
- This test is primarily used to measure how well the body can use, or metabolise, glucose. Glucose is the main form of sugar in the body.
- Itching is an irritating sensation in the skin that makes a person want to scratch.
high cholesterol
- High cholesterol is an excessive level of cholesterol in the blood. Hyperlipidaemia is a more general term for high levels of different kinds of fats in the blood. These can result from a diet high in total fat, saturated fats, and cholesterol. Both conditions may also occur as inherited forms.
diabetes mellitus
diabetic nephropathy
chronic renal failure
diabetes insipidus
transient ischemic attack
triglyceride level
- Triglycerides are the common type of fat found in food and in the body. They make up 95% of dietary fat. They contain saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats in different mixtures. Triglycerides occur naturally in foods. The liver also makes them when excess kilojoules are present. They are transported and stored in the body's fat tissue.
type 1 diabetes mellitus
type 2 diabetes mellitus
erectile dysfunction
- Male erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man cannot get or keep an erection long enough to have sexual intercourse.
- Glaucoma is a condition that develops when the fluid pressure in the eye is abnormally high. This causes damage to the fibres of the optic nerve, or the nerve of vision. Some glaucoma cases may be associated with normal pressure. This condition usually occurs in older adults.
- Hypoglycaemia is the condition that occurs when blood sugar, or glucose, levels drop below normal.
urine protein
- Vitiligo is a skin disorder characterised by the development of completely white patches of skin.
excessive thirst
- Excessive thirst is an abnormally strong desire to drink liquids. It can be related to an underlying medical condition.
Weaning Children Away From Junk Food
Weaning Children Away From Junk Food - 21 February 2000 -- For many parents, helping kids to develop healthy eating habits is a struggle, and with more women working full time even health-conscious parents are finding it easy to slip up...
weight loss
- Weight loss is due to a person burning more kilojoules, or energy, than he or she takes in.
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