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allergic contact dermatitis
- Exposure to poison ivy results in an allergic reaction of the skin to the plant oils from the poison ivy family of plants.
brain attack
- A stroke is the death of brain tissue that occurs when the brain does not get enough blood and oxygen. A stroke from carotid stenosis occurs when the arteries supplying the brain are narrowed and blood flow to the brain is impaired.
bug repellent safety
- Bug repellent safety refers to the proper use of chemicals applied to the skin or clothing to ward off insects. Used incorrectly, these substances can sometimes cause serious side effects.
diphtheria, tetanus toxoid, and pertussis vaccine
- A DPT immunization is a combined vaccine to protect against three diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis.
dissociated anesthesia
- Dissociative anesthesia is a unique method of pain control. It reduces anxiety and produces a trancelike state. The person is not asleep, but rather feels separated from his or her body.
Heimlich maneuver
- The Heimlich maneuver is an emergency method of removing food or other foreign objects from the airway to prevent suffocation. It is done by grasping the choking person from behind, placing a fist, thumb side in, just below the person's breastbone (sternum), wrapping the other hand firmly over this fist, and then pulling the fist firmly and abruptly into the top of the stomach.
Heimlich maneuver
- The Heimlich maneuver is an emergency method of removing food or other foreign objects from the airwayto prevent suffocation.
assistive devices for communication
- Speech computers are ordinary computers with added special programs that help a person with a speech impairment to communicate. Some communication devices do not require a computer. These are called augmentative communication devices.
butter versus margarine
erection self-test
- This test checks for the occurrence of nighttime erections, and helps to determine the cause of erectile dysfunction in men. The ability to have an erection while sleeping indicates that a man is physically capable of this function. If a man cannot have an erection while awake, the cause may be due to physical problems, psychological factors, or both. For most men, erections while sleeping are the result of physical processes in the body rather than conscious control. The outcome of this test will help determine the cause of erectile dysfunction, as well as the best treatment options.
cranial osteopathy
- Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a type of therapy used in an attempt to improve health. CST involves using gentle hand and finger touch, movements, and pressure to move parts of the body. The word comes from the terms cranium and sacrum. Cranium refers to the head and sacrum refers to a bone in the lower spine above the tailbone.
emergency medical services
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS) extends emergency medical care from the emergency room of a hospital into the community. The EMS system was developed to provide care to ill and injured people as quickly as possible.
food label
- The food label was developed and is regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is designed to help consumers choose foods to meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the Food Guide Pyramid.
elective medical abortion
- When a woman chooses to end a pregnancy , the procedure is called an elective abortion. The fetus may be removed from the uterus by means of an elective surgical abortion or an elective medical abortion. A medical abortion is done by giving the woman medications that will end the pregnancy.
minor emergency care
- Urgent care refers to a special type of setting where medical care is given for minor emergencies. In this case, care is given outside of a hospital emergency department. No appointment is necessary.
neuro-linguistic programming
- Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is the study of how people think and experience life. The goal of NLP is to aid in problem solving. NLP tries to help people solve problems by looking at how the person defines a problem.
elective surgical abortion
- When a woman chooses to end a pregnancy, the procedure is called an elective abortion. The fetus may be removed from the uterus by means of an elective medical abortion or an elective surgical abortion. A surgical abortion is a medical procedure that removes an embryo or fetus from the uterus before it is able to live on its own.
early intervention services
- Early Intervention Services refer to services provided by government agencies to infants and toddlers with disabilities. Specifically, the services target families with children 3 years old or younger who have demonstrated or potential developmental delays. This group includes children with known physical, emotional, or mental disabilities that will probably lead to delay in their development.
- Additives are substances that are added to foods either on purpose or by accident. An example of substances that are deliberately added to food includes vitamins that are added to some foods to replace natural vitamins that may be lost when the food is processed. On the other hand, some drugs given to animals and chemicals used on crops are examples of additives that accidentally get into food. Metals from cooking utensils also can leach into food.
artificial sweeteners
- There are two kinds of sweeteners; nutritive and non-nutritive. Nutritive sweeteners supply calories and energy to the body. Nutritive sweeteners, like sugar, have 4 calories per gram. Non-nutritive sweeteners do not provide energy to the body. They have no calories. They are called sugar substitutes. Aspartame is a sugar substitute. Most do not breakdown in the body like sugar does. They simply leave the body in the urine.
- BMI, or body mass index, is a single number used to assess a person's weight in relation to height. It is used to decide if someone's weight is appropriate for their height. In the past, BMI was used only for adults. Now, the US Department of Health and Human Services has released new and updated growth charts for those from 2 to 20 years old. BMI will be used as a new assessment tool for children and teens. The most important change in the charts is the addition of BMI-for-age.
bottle feeding
- Infant formulas are designed to meet all, or nearly all, of the nutritional needs of infants during the first year of life. The formulas try to match, as closely as possible, the nutritional qualities of human breast milk. These formulas come in several forms. Powdered formulas and liquid concentrates are mixed with water. Infant formula also comes in a ready-to-use form.
Dietary Reference Intakes
- The RDA's, or Recommended Daily Allowances, are recommendations for nutrients. They were developed by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council. They are continually updated as new research findings surface. The RDA's show the amount of a nutrient that is needed to meet the requirements of nearly all (97 to 98 percent) of the healthy population. They are specific to children, adults, males and females.
family fitness
National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
- The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) program has been around for more than 50 years. President Harry S. Truman signed the National School Lunch Act into law in 1946. The NSLP safeguards the health and well being of the nation's children. It encourages children to eat healthy, nutritious foods at school. The NSLP has the potential to teach children how to establish lifetime healthy eating habits by feeding them nutritious meals at school.
- Pesticides are used to prevent, destroy, or repel pests. Pesticides are also used as a plant regulator, defoliant or drying agent. Pesticides protect plants against molds, fungi and insects, decrease crop loss and damage and can improve food safety. There are many different types of pesticides used. Herbicides control weeds. Fungicides control mold and fungi. Insecticides control harmful insects. Disinfectants act against bacteria and other disease carrying organisms.
alcohol test - breath
- This test measures the concentration of alcohol in the blood. It does so by analyzing the level of alcohol in exhaled air.
food guide pyramid
food guide pyramid - Information - The Food Guide Pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day for good health. The Pyramid is not a rigid prescription, but a general guide that lets people choose a healthy diet that fits their...
biophysical profile
- A biophysical profile (BPP) is a way to check the status of a developing baby, or fetus. A BPP includes an ultrasound, which is a type of x-ray test that uses sound waves. A BPP also includes checking the baby's heart rate for a period of time. This part of the test is also called a nonstress test. A BPP is usually done in the last three months, or third trimester, of pregnancy.
- CHEM-20 is a set of 20 tests that are performed on a sample of blood. The results give an overview of blood chemistry that is very useful to the healthcare provider.
- The CHEM-7 is a set of seven tests that are performed on a sample of blood. The results give an overview of blood chemistry that is very useful to the healthcare provider.
Lyme disease antibody
- This test helps diagnose Lyme disease. It tests to see if an individual has antibodies to the organism that causes Lyme disease in the blood serum. Lyme disease is caused by a microorganism or spirochete called Borrelia burgdorferi. The immune system of a person with Lyme disease makes antibodies against that spirochete, and this test detects those antibodies.
hantavirus pulmonary syndrome
- Hantavirus (han-tah-vie-rus) pulmonary syndrome is a very severe lung infection caused by hantavirus.
sports physical
- A sports physical is a medical exam and history designed to detect any conditions that could lead to injury when playing sports. The main goals of the sports physical are to: assess overall health detect conditions that might cause injury detect conditions that might disqualify a child from playing certain sports assess fitness for the chosen sportWhat is the information for this topic?
24-hour testing
24-hour testing - Comming soon.....
24 hour tests
24 hour tests
24 hour sites
24 hour sites
24 hour departments
24 hour departments
well baby visits
- A well baby visit is a routine physical exam. It is performed on a newborn, infant, toddler or young child. This exam has several purposes. One goal is to evaluate a child's physical growth and development. This can help healthcare providers find and address problems early. Another goal is to educate parents on normal development. Regular exams also provide the opportunity for the child to get immunizations on the recommended schedule.
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