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Smoking - Effects/damage

Details on the damage smoking does to your lungs
Smoking - quitting

See Category "Quitting smoking"

acute bronchitis
- Bronchi are the branches of the main windpipe that carry oxygen into the lungs. Acute bronchitis is inflammation, or swelling, of one or more bronchi.
- Cyanosis is a blue or purple discolouration of the skin that can occur when there is not enough oxygen in a person's blood or tissues.
- A cough is a sudden, noisy expulsion of air from the lungs that sometimes includes mucous.
chronic bronchitis
- Chronic bronchitis is an ongoing inflammation of the breathing tubes. It is almost always the result of long-term smoking. The official definition of chronic bronchitis requires coughing up phlegm most days for at least 3 months of the year for at least 2 years in a row.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cytology exam of sputum
- A sputum cytology test can identify cancer cells in a sample of sputum.
primary lung cancer
pulmonary function test
- This test measures the amount of air that can be taken in with a deep breath and how quickly it can be expelled from the lungs by a forceful exhalation.
noisy breathing in adults
- Noisy breathing in adults is a common condition, usually caused by a blockage in the air passages.
respiratory acidosis
- Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs that can be caused by many different micro-organisms, including viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi.
shortness of breath
smoking cessation
tobacco use: smoking and smokeless tobacco
Lozenge Trebles Smokers' Quitting Chances
A new nicotine-releasing lozenge can triple smokers' chances of kicking the habit and is said to be more effective than either nicotine gum or patches, according to a study released this week. - NiQuitin CQ is produced by pharmaceutical...
What You(th) Should Know About Tobacco
What You(th) Should Know About Tobacco - Tobacco and Athletic Performance Don’t get trapped. Nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, and spit tobacco is addictive. Nicotine narrows your blood vessels and puts added strain on your heart. Smoking...
- A pneumothorax is an abnormal collection of air in the space between the lung and the inside lining of the chest wall.
lung transplant
- In lung transplantation, a healthy donor lung is removed from a person who is brain dead and implanted into a person with lung disease who needs a healthy lung. Sometimes one lung is transplanted and sometimes a person is in need of a double lung transplant.
Useful Links
Community Drug Education - Quit Now - The National Tobacco Campaign - National Quit Smoking Line: 13 18 48 - Australian Council on Smoking and Health - ASH Australia - OxyGen: Young People Smoking - Interactive smoking prevention site for...
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