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 Feet, Kidney, Other
acanthosis nigricans
- Acanthosis nigricans is a disease that causes dark, thick areas on the skin. The areas affected are spread out and the skin is velvety. It is most common in the armpits and other body folds. The disease may be inherited or caused by problems with how the body uses insulin, obesity, some drugs, and cancer.
- Gangrene is the death of living cells or tissues of the body.
diabetic neuropathy
- Diabetic neuropathy is an injury to the peripheral nervous system caused by underlying diabetes mellitus.
- Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and the layer under the skin.
peripheral neuropathy
- This is a condition of peripheral nerves in which there is damage to and a decrease in the function of the affected nerves. Damage to the nerves may result in decreased sensation, decreased ability to move, or numbness, or both. There may also be positive symptoms such as pins and needles, tingling or burning.
Dupuytren's contracture
- Dupuytren's contracture is a thickening and tightening of the fibrous tissue beneath the skin on the palm of the hand. The contracture causes bending of the fourth and, frequently, the fifth fingers.
vaginal yeast infection
- A vaginal yeast infection is caused by one of a group of fungal organisms known as Candida. These include Candida albicans,Candida tropicalis,Candida glabrata, and Candida parapsilosis.
kidney transplant
- Kidney transplantation involves placing a healthy donor kidney into a person whose own kidneys have stopped working. The donor kidney can either come from someone who has died or from a living donor.
- Confusion is an abnormal mental condition or state of mind. A person who is confused has trouble understanding the environment and may react or respond inappropriately to it.
chronic renal failure
foot care for people with diabetes
high arches
- A foot with a very high or hollowed arch is known as pes cavus. A pes cavus foot can be rigid or flexible. A rigid cavus foot looks the same with weight off or on the foot. A flexible cavus foot has a high arch when there is no weight on the foot. The arch decreases when the person puts weight on the foot.
diabetic nephropathy
end-stage renal disease
diabetic foot ulcer
urine protein
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