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Alternative Names
continuous positive airway pressure

CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, is a form of respiratory therapy. It is used to force air into the nasal passage, and keep air passages open. CPAP delivers air to small sacs in the lung called alveoli.

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How is it used?

CPAP is not oxygen. It is a piece of equipment that is similar to an air compressor. It uses pressure to force air into the air passages. The air can be given with a mask or through a tube in the nose. It is usually used at night, when most people's breathing slows down.

Who decides when it is to be used?

A doctor, usually a specialist in respiratory disease or sleep disorders, must prescribe CPAP. There are several reasons for its use.

Who can benefit from this therapy?

Some children with respiratory problems can benefit from CPAP. These children can breathe on their own, and do not need mechanical ventilation. But they cannot maintain a good oxygen level in their blood. CPAP gives them help with deep breathing.

CPAP is also useful for adults with sleep apnoea, as a way to deliver an uninterrupted supply of air. A steady air supply can prevent the health problems caused by sleep apnoea. The positive pressure forces air into the lungs, and keeps the oxygen in the blood at a normal level. The pressure also prevents the tissue in and around the throat from collapsing. That's what causes the sleeping person to go for short periods without taking a breath, a condition called apnoea.

CPAP is sometimes used in intensive care units for people with pulmonary oedema, or fluid in the lungs. It may also be used in respiratory distress syndrome, a condition in which fluid builds up in the lungs. CPAP is used to maintain the proper balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. It isn't right for everybody, though. CPAP is quite complex technically and is only appropriate for certain situations.

Reviewer: HealthAnswers Australia Medical Review Panel
Editor: Dr David Taylor, Chief Medical Officer HealthAnswers Australia
Last Updated: 1/10/2001
Potential conflict of interest information for reviewers available on request

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